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Five Reasons Why Volunteering is Awesome: From a 9-Year-Old's Perspective

by Justin Y.

Hi there! I'm Justin, and I'm 9 years old. Today, I want to talk about something really cool that I've been doing lately—volunteering. You might be wondering, "What can a kid like me do to help others?" Well, let me tell you why volunteering is awesome and why you should give it a try too!

1. Learning New Things

Volunteering is like a super cool classroom where you learn by doing. I've learned how to organize donation drives, package healthy meals for people experiencing food insecurity, and research about communities in need. Every time I volunteer, I learn something new. It's like having an adventure every time!

2. Helping Others Feels Great

There's this warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you help someone else. It’s like when you give your friend a handmade card, and they smile and hug you. Volunteering gives you that feeling all the time. When I see the happy faces of people I’ve helped, it makes me feel proud and happy inside.

3. Making the World a Better Place

Even though I’m just a kid, I know I can make a difference. By volunteering, I’m helping to make the world a better place. Picking up trash at the park, helping at the food bank, or helping make a meal for people in need can really make a big impact. Every small act of kindness adds up!

4. Building Confidence

Volunteering has helped me become more confident. I remember volunteering to play my violin for elders at a senior home during the holidays - at first I was a bit nervous to perform in front of such a large group, but as I played and I could see the seniors enjoying my music, I felt my confidence grow. When I see that I can make a difference, I feel more sure of myself. I can speak up in class, try new things, and I’m not afraid to take on challenges. It feels good to know that I have the power to help others.

5. Family Time

Often, I volunteer with my family, and it’s a great way to spend time together. We do projects like helping at community events. It’s fun to work as a team, and we all feel closer because we’re doing something meaningful together.

How You Can Start Volunteering

If you’re excited to start volunteering, here are some tips to get you going:

  • Ask Your Parents: Talk to your parents about your interest in volunteering. They can help you find opportunities that are safe and fun.

  • Start Small: You don’t need to do something huge. Start by helping a neighbor or participating in a school cleanup.

  • Find What You Love: Choose something you’re passionate about. If you love animals, volunteer at a shelter. If you enjoy reading, help out at the library.

  • Join a Group: Many organizations (like Kids Kindness Project in Colorado!) have groups for kids who want to volunteer. Join one and make a difference together!

Volunteering is an amazing way to learn, have fun, and help others. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get out there and start making the world a better place, one small act of kindness at a time!

Thanks for reading!

Justin Y.


Justin Y. is the founder of the Kids Kindness Project and is excited about encouraging more kids to volunteer and give back to the community. He was born in Los Angeles, California, and is currently a third grader living with his family in Denver, Colorado. He is especially passionate about helping seniors and people experiencing homelessness and food insecurity, and one of his favorite books about volunteering is Last Stop on Market Street.

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